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Texas Holdem Poker Tips
Are you interested in an educational mini course on the industry's hottest game today - Texas Holdem ? Well, you have certainly arrived
at the right page on our site. The following is a concise list of the most valuable Texas Holdem Poker Tips that you will ever find. If practiced and
digested thoroughly, this list should help you achieve a higher level of Texas Hold'em play, which can translate into higher winnings at the table.
Of course, we make no guarantees on these strategies, and present them to the Poker user community at a user's own risk. We hope that you find
them useful in your game play.
- Hold'em Tip # 1 - In order of descending strength, here are the top 40 starting hands in Texas Hold'em. Generally speaking,
you shouldn't ever play a starting hand, that doesn't fall within this set:
- A-A pair
- K-K pair
- A-K suited
- Q-Q pair
- A-K unsuited
- A-Q suited
- J-J pair
- 10-10 pair
- A-Q unsuited
- A-J suited
- 9-9 pair
- K-Q suited
- 8-8 pair
- A-10 suited
- A-J unsuited
- K-J suited
- Q-J suited
- A-8 suited
- K-10 suited
- A-9 suited
- J-10 suited
- Q-10 suited
- K-Q unsuited
- 10-9 suited
- A-10 unsuited
- A-7 suited
- A-4 suited
- A-5 suited
- A-6 suited
- 7-7 pair
- J-9 suited
- 6-6 pair
- A-3 suited
- 5-5 pair
- K-J unsuited
- A-2 suited
- K-9 suited
- Q-9 suited
- A-9 unsuited
- Q-J unsuited
- Hold'em Tip # 2 - The flop must help your hand, and you should always fold if it doesn't help AND if another player bets at that juncture.
- Hold'em Tip # 3 - If you are playing for a Straight or a Flush, you should have at least 4 of the 5 cards you need, after the Flop. Otherwise, fold.
- Hold'em Tip # 4 - If you aren't playing for a Straight or Flush, to continue on after the Flop, you should have a Top pair with a big Kicker
(the highest unpaired card in your hand), or an overpair (a pocket pair that is higher than any card on the flop).
- Hold'em Tip # 5 - Always fold your hand, when the Actual odds exceed the Pot Odds (relationship of money in the pot to the actual odds of
a something occurring). If your odds of getting a card are 4-1, based on the cards you have seen and not seen yet, and there are 8 players still
betting (pot odds of 7-1, which doesn't include yourself), the risk of taking that bet would be in your favor - since you have a 4-1 chance of winning
a 7-1 odds bet. The converse logic also holds true.
- Hold'em Tip # 6 - Analyze and estimate the types of hands that your opponents could be holding, to gauge your risk accordingly.
- Hold'em Tip # 7 - Always take your seating position into account, when analyzing whether to continue betting or folding. First position (Seat
1) is the worst seat in the house, since you haven't seen how everyone else bets yet. Being the Dealer, is the best seat in the house - you will
have seen how everyone bets first, before you need to decide whether to continue on or not.
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