Royal Flush:
10, J, Q, K, A of identical suit.
Straight Flush:
Straight with all 5 cards of same suit.
Four of a Kind:
4 cards of same face value or number ("quads").
Full House:
3 cards of one face value or number and 2 cards of another
face value or number. If 2 hands with Full house, hand with highest ranking 3-of-a-kind wins.
5 cards of identical suit. In a game with more than 1 flush,
the flush with high card wins.
5 cards in order sequence, and each of these cards can be a member of any suit. An Ace can
be treated as a low or high card; i.e., as the lowest possible straight (A, 2, 3, 4, 5) or
the highest possible straight (10, J, Q, K, A).
Three of a Kind:
3 cards of the same face value or number ("trips").
Two Pair:
If 2 players have 2 pairs, then the hand that has the highest pair of cards
wins. If they both have the highest pair, whoever has the 2nd
highest pair of cards wins. If they both have the same 2 pairs, then the
the highest 5th card (also known as the "kicker") determines victory.
One Pair:
2 cards of the same face value or number. If 2 players have
the identical pair of cards, then the highest card(s) outside the pair wins the hand.
High Card:
The hand that has the highest card(s) is the winner.